Style Guide

Looking to spice up your Mexican restaurant's online presence? Check out Raging Tacos, the sizzling Webflow template designed by Heads & Hearts to help take your business to the next level!

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You can easily adjust the colors used in the design by utilizing the Global Swatch feature.

Brand Colors
Brand Color
Text Colors
Primary Text Color
Primary Text Color

If you make changes to the styles here, they will be reflected throughout the entire website.

Heading H1 - Aa Bb Cc Dd

Montserrat Regular 58px

Heading H2 - Aa Bb Cc Dd

Montserrat Medium 46px

Heading H3 - Aa Bb Cc Dd

Montserrat Bold 32px

Heading H4 - Aa Bb Cc Dd

Montserrat Bold 16px
Heading H5 - Aa Bb Cc Dd
Montserrat Bold 14px
Heading H6 - Aa Bb Cc Dd
Montserrat Bold 12px

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

Montserrat Regular 22px
Buttons & Icons

If you make changes to the styles here, they will be reflected throughout the entire website.

Ordered & Unordered List

If you make changes to the styles here, they will be reflected throughout the entire website.

  • Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem.
  • Ad quas repudiandae aut expedita numquam et facere similique.
  • Et architecto incidunt qui quia sint eos similique voluptas ut inventore.
  1. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem.
  2. Ad quas repudiandae aut expedita numquam et facere similique.
  3. Et architecto incidunt qui quia sint eos similique voluptas ut inventore.
Block Quote

If you make changes to the styles here, they will be reflected throughout the entire website.

"Turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra magna. Erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo agittis vitae ut quam."